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The Config stores all individual Event configurations for each entity-action event. The getMappingEvent function returns the matching Event config while the getMappingValue is used to resolve the Value settings for a specific property to return an actual value. The custom property is used by each destination individually.

interface Config<CustomEvent> {
[entity: string]: { [action: string]: Event<CustomEvent> };

interface Event<CustomEvent = unknown> {
batch?: number; // Bundle events for batch processing (in ms)
consent?: WalkerOS.Consent; // Required consent states process the event
custom?: CustomEvent; // Arbitrary but protected configurations for custom event config
ignore?: boolean; // Choose to no process an event when set to true
name?: string; // Use a custom event name

const mapping: Config = {
entity: {
action: {
batch: 2000,
consent: { marketing: true },
custom: { language: 'globals.language' },
ignore: false,
name: 'entity_action',


getMappingEvent(event: string, mapping?: Mapping.Config<unknown>): EventMapping returns the matching eventMapping configuration and the used mappingKey for the given entity-action event name. If no mapping is found, it will return an empty object. An explicit key is favored over an asterisk * key.

interface EventMapping {
eventMapping?: Event;
mappingKey?: string;

const mapping: Config = {
entity: {
action: {
name: 'entity_action',
'*': {
name: 'other',
'*': {
'*': {
name: 'irrelevant',

getMappingEvent('entity action', mapping);
// { eventMapping: { name: 'entity_action' }, mappingKey: 'entity action' }

getMappingEvent('entity something', mapping);
// { eventMapping: { name: 'other' }, mappingKey: 'entity *' }


getMappingValue(event: WalkerOS.Event, mapping: Mapping.Value, options?: Mapping.Options): WalkerOS.Property | undefined primarily used by destinations to access values from the original event. This offers flexibility to configure individual tagging setups to standard fields of the destination.

export type Value = ValueType | Array<ValueType>;
export type ValueType = string | ValueConfig;

export interface ValueConfig {
condition?: Condition;
consent?: WalkerOS.Consent;
fn?: Fn;
key?: string;
validate?: Validate;
value?: WalkerOS.PropertyType;

First the condition is checked to determine if the ValueConfig should be used. Second, the consent state gets checked if an instance is provided. If no required consent is given, no value will be returned. If a fn is provided, it will be called to define the value, otherwise the key or initial string value will be used. The current value will be check using the validate function and set to undefined if it fails. Finally, the value will be cast to match the WalkerOS.Property. An empty ValueType will return undefined.


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