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WalkerOS is meant to be vendor-agnostic. While clients create events, destinations are used to manage how events are processed and sent to various analytics or data storage tools. The purpose of using destinations in walkerOS is to ensure that data captured from your website or application is best-organized to easily integrated with different tools if proper consent was granted. This helps in maintaining data quality and simplifying the setup of new tools by simply mapping the events to the desired format.


Destinations initialize and process events only if a user granted consent.

How to use

Destinations are added to a client (see web or node). Before receiving events from the client, the proper consent states are checked each time automatically. Destinations receive events through the push interface. Each destination can have its own configuration, which is set up in the config object. This configuration includes general settings for the destination and individual event settings. The optional init function in a destination gets called before actually pushing events. This function must return true upon successful initialization for the events to be processed.


The configuration of a destination is set up in the config. All properties are optional. A complete destination configuration might look like this:

id: "demo",
custom: { foo: "bar" },
consent: { demo: true },
init: false,
loadScript: false,
mapping: {
// Read more in the mapping section
page: {
view: { name: "pageview" },
"*": {
visible: { batch: 2000 },
meta: { name: "Demo", version: "1.0.0" },
queue: true,
verbose: false,
onError: (error) => console.error("demo error", error),
onLog: (message) => console.log("demo log", message),
on: {
// Client-related on-events
consent: [{ marketing: console.log }],
ready: [console.log],
run: [console.log],
session: [console.log],

Overview of all properties:

idstringA unique key for the destination
consentobjectRequired consent states to init and push events
customanyUsed for a destinations individual settings
initbooleanIf the destination has been initialized by calling the init method
loadScriptbooleanIf an additional script to work should be loaded
mappingobjectConfiguration how to transform events (see Mapping)
metaobjectAdditional meta information about the destination
queuebooleanDisable processing of previously pushed events
verbosebooleanEnable verbose logging
onErrorfunctionCustom error handler
onLogfunctionCustom log handler
onOn.ConfigRules for on-functions that gets triggered on specific events

Call elb('walker destination', { push: console.log }, config); to add the destination to a client. The destination will log all events straight to the console. Edit a destinations configuration at runtime by accessing walkerjs.destinations.<id>.

To grant required consent call elb('walker consent', { demo: true });.


A client communicates with a destination through the methods. It's also the clients job to check for proper consent, calling the init method or batching events. The only required method is push to send events to the destination.


The init method is optional and gets called before pushing events. It's used to eventually load additional scripts or set up the environment. To interrupt further processing, the method must return false.

The walker.js checks the config.init value to see if a destination has been initialized, or not. This way you can add a destination that has already been initialized.

// Optional init function
const init = (config) => {
if (config.verbose) config.onLog(;
config.custom.count = 0;


The push method gets called to send events to the destination, along with the config and eventually matching mapping.

// push function
const push = (event, config, mapping) => {
config.custom.count++; = config.custom.count;
console.log('demo push', { event, config, mapping });

// elb("page view");
// Output with the mapping above
// demo log bar
// demo push { event: { data: { count: 1 }, event: 'pageview' }, config: { ... }, mapping: { ... } }


The pushBatch method is optional and gets called if the event mapping is configured with a batch number to bundle multiple events before sending them to the destination.

const pushBatch = (batch, config, instance) => {
console.log('demo pushBatch', { batch, config });

The batch is an object with the key of the used mapping, the events array and the mapping object itself.

// Configuring a destinations mapping with
const mapping = {
'*': {
visible: { batch: 2000 },

// Calling a matching event two times
elb('product visible');
elb('promotion visible');

// The destinations pushBatch receives the following batch after 2 seconds
batch = {
key: '* visible',
events: [{ event: 'product visible' }, { event: 'promotion visible' }],
mapping: { batch: 2000 },


The on method is used to set up rules for on-functions that get triggered by the client (individually for walker.js and node).

const on = {
consent: [{ marketing: console.log }],
ready: [console.log],
run: [console.log],
session: [console.log], // walker.js only

Once a client triggers an event, the destinations on method gets called. Replace the console.log with your custom function.

Available Destinations